Doug Miller is best known in the Utah media market for his Outdoors programs. First on KSL-TV, then on KUTV. He has been on radio and TV in the Salt Lake City area for nearly 30 years. He coined the phrase "Wild places and wild things", and was known as Utah's "Mr. Outdoors." He would profile interesting places to visit, and fun things to do and see. His presentations were interesting to the avid outdoorsman, as well as to the tenderfoot. Whether it was fishing, hunting, ATV riding, or Dutch Oven cooking -- he had a way of inviting you to come into his world and just come hang-out with him for a while and enjoy the great outdoors.
On July 31, 2006, Doug Miller was admitted to LDS hospital with diverticulitis and septic shock. He was placed in a drug induced coma for a week, hoping that his body would be able to gain the upper-hand on the infection that had riddled through his body. One medical worker said, "Doug has been at the gates of heaven for a week now. Either he doesn't want to go there, or heaven wont' have him!"
After that first week, he was able to make some progress and return to consciousness. Doug was able to visit with his family and grandchildren -- for what would turn out to be the last time.
The infection, however had taken its toll. He began to have major organ failures: kidneys, liver, and spleen. His body was shutting down. On Sunday he had two strokes.
Later, on Sunday evening, August 20, 2006, at about 8:00 pm, his family was gathered around him. He was removed from life support, and he slipped away from the bounds of this world.
I offer my condolences and prayers for the Miller family.
I first heard of his passing last night, as I turned on the ten 'o clock news. However I did not hear of the cause of death.
This morning my mother called me at work, and asked if I had heard the news. I told her that I had heard of his passing, but not the cause. She told me: "Diverticulitis and septic shock".
Wow! I had my own moment of shock right there. A few months ago, I was hospitalized with a similar condition. I had diverticulitis, and severe infections -- but I had not yet reached the point of septic shock. Fortunately for me, it was caught in time before I reached a point of no-return.
This news once again reinforced to me the seriousness of the condition I was in. How close I really might have been to "leaving this frail existence." I thought of Dawn Ann, and the days that she was filled with worry and concern about whether or not I would make it through. Being a nurse, she knows of more things to worry about. I know it must have been a difficult time for her. I am so grateful for how she stood by me, and cared for me during the long months of recovery I went through.
I also have once more been reminded of how blessed I have been. The priesthood blessings I received. The prayers and fasting on my behalf from my family, fellow church members and co-workers. And even the prayers of those who read this blog. Again, I offer my thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
I'm also thankful for a kind and loving Heavenly Father, who chose to preserve my life, and let me continue on in my mortal journey. Thank you. Thank you for my life. Thank you for your love. I already knew that I owe all that I have and am to my Heavenly Father. Now I appreciate that all the more.
Here are some Links for more information on Doug Miller:
KUTV Channel 2
KSL-TV Channel 5
Salt Lake Tribune
Deseret News
I'm so glad you posted this. I remember Doug Miller for many other things, being the eye in the sky, and hearing him in the morning on KSL as I would get ready for school. He had such a distinctive voice and it will be missed.
I am glad that you are still around to blog every now and then. Take care of yourself and your distinctive voice.
What a great tribute.
I loved Doug Miller, and he will be missed.
My father died from this condition, as well.
My husband came home with the saddest look on his face and sat down by me and said, "you won't have to worry about me staying up late on Saturday nights anymore (he always stayed up to watch Doug Miller and fell asleep in church)."
Then he told me Doug Miller had died. I don't even know who he was, but he was important to Bill.
I have diverticulosis. Scary condition. I always tell young people not to take their bowels for granted. Who knew when I was 21 it would be important?
That's a humbling thought. Life is so fragile.
That is sad.
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